

Can be home to characters.


Over the edge of Postinen’s border, a massive ledge managed to grow grass. Long ago, Corceis scaled down the walls and began tunneling.
The result? Teledo.
This long strip of land under the island is Homebase of the Scouts who venture into the Wastelands. Over half of the force are housed in the maze like tunnels and train out on the strip.
The eastern most tip of Teledo is home to Postinen’s largest teleportation station. Heavily guarded and brimming with power, it is Postinen’s only gateway to the surface of the planet. The trips take consume so much energy that the warp can only be activated once in a single season to allow the crystals time to recharge and stabilize.
Right across from the Scout barracks and within the same maze of tunnels lies the Prison of Teledo. A high-security underground prison of large scale, criminals are kept there in different levels of intense security, isolated in caved-in chambers. The only way to access it is via teleportation stations, and it is one of the few places with a broad magic-blocking spell in this area. Only officers wearing a specialized lab-grown crystal armor piece can use magic in this dead field.