Mountains of Kloni


Can be home to characters.


Known for its beautiful cascade and breathtaking views, the Mountains of Kloni are quite famous as the tallest point in Postinen.
It’s quite a popular spot to visit, but trekking up the summits can be incredibly dangerous. The windsheer alone can freeze an unprotected Cor solid, and the air is quite thin. That’s not even taking into account possible avalanches and landslides in the brutal permanent winter.
Some of its peaks are connected and can be accessed via cable cars, many cors enjoy using those to have a better view over all Postinen, most of those cars are made of thick, see-through glass.

For these reasons, very few corceïs actually call the mountains home, and those that do tend to run shelters and lodges for hikers to rest in. Those seeking a little less danger can venture behind Kloni’s falls to see Postinen’s first established crystal mine, which has long since been decommissioned and transformed into a historical heritage site.
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