

Can be home to characters.

Located to the farthest west of Postinen, Crorport is a very rich area where the council holds their main office. They hold meetings, oversee court cases, and hear words from the general public, although those scheduled requests have quite the waitlist.

Along with the council, corceïs with the most political power and stakes often live here. They hold the highest access to knowledge within scores of vast libraries, including the most famous of which, Callasta’s personal library. It is the only place you can trace back the oldest records from the wastelands.

It is also home to one of the most well-known theaters of Postinen, with a gargantuan building, this place can house hundreds of cors who come from all places, as long they can pay of course.

Crorport is kept extremely clean, with most buildings and columns made from white marble or quartz.


Greek Architecture