

Can be home to characters.


One could call Glouis the entertainment capital of Postinen. Friendly to all ages, many families bring their children here for the bombastic main attractions.
Several amusement parks are starting their construction here and experimenting with new forms of joy and thrilling fun. But that’s not the only reason families may come. Farther north, there exists dozens of large temples and religious spaces for families to connect to spiritually. Corceis can even buy a plot of land to establish a family shrine upon to be respected for generations. From the main deities to the smallest niche spiritual belief, all are welcome to worship there.
Right smack in the center of Glouis lies Postinen’s largest stadium, the Coliseum of Rowan, where massive sporting events are held. With the support of the Council and the Capital, Glouis is well financed and maintained, outside of the main loud attractions, many of the other features are more calm and laid back. Folks can visit museums, art galleries, and who could forget the zoo?!
The Postinen Zoo is actually quite important, as it is the final home of the last of hundreds of species that once lived on the now desolate surface. Here these animals live in comfort and safety, with hopes of building up their populations for future generations to see and admire.