
Chapter 3: Lucktallion

In book: Bestiary, Vol.2

A small, semi-aquatic creature! They are extremely rare, and can only be found in very few ponds across Postinen! It is believed that if you see one, you will have a week filled with luck!

There has been no records of Lucktallions seen in the Wastelands.

It is unknown how long they can live in the wild, but in captivity, they can at max live up to 5 years due to their fragile health.

Physical Description
  • The main part of the body can be any color (unless they have the "shiny" mutation).
  • The lower half of their body (the fish part) must always be golden (unless they have the "shiny" mutation), with a glittering effect.
  • They can have multiple heart-shaped "clovers" attached to their body.
  • Lucktallions can have all sorts of markings found on real-life horses.
  • Their fins are usually long and can look like any existing breed of Goldfish tail.
  • Their eyes can be any light color, no visible scleras

  • The body length of about 1ft long.
  • There is no visible sexual dimorphism between males and females.
  • Herbivore (surprising!)
  • They are usually very chill pets.
  • They can produce up to 2 eggs per clutch.
  • Very fragile health, and it is extremely unusual for them to survive past the first year in captivity.
  • They require small tanks with fresh water.
  • Freshwater lakes and ponds.
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