Chapter: Scouts
There are four ranks a scout can be:
Commander, the highest rank, tends to be slightly older corceïs. They are chosen by the council not only because of their physical tributes but their knowledge. This rank doesn't even need to be as "in perfect physique" as other scouts, as they are valuable due to their experience and knowledge, plus social skills to lead the team. Usually, there is only one active Commander, and when they are no longer fit for the position, the council may pick a new one among the Captains.
Captain (15 SR), second highest, usually exists as a possible candidate for the commander, trusted cors in case the team is divided, or, the commander isn't present.
Cadet (10 SR), an official member of the scout team.
Aspirant (5 SR), a newly made scout that is still in trials.
After you complete the Scout Academy, you become an Aspirant, the lowest rank of a scout, an apprentice per say, those cors will have the chance to continue their training at the official Scout Bases, located in Teledo, official scouts will evaluate their skills and progress, and, if deemed fit, aspirants will be invited by a scout group to participate in their first mission, usually those groups are larger, with multiple mentors to ensure the safety of Aspirants, and those missions tend to be simpler and safer, just an introduction to their new life.
Even then, there is no guarantee everyone will come back.
Once the scouts responsible for your training deem you fit, usually after three to five missions, you may go through the Naming ceremony, where you will become a Cadet, an official member of the scout team, after that, you will be assigned to your own group depending on your skills.
Becoming a Captain is more complicated, only the Commander can name a Captain, and all scout groups must have at least one Captain with them, they are responsible for organizing and leading active missions, or aiding the Commander if they are present, Captains are usually named after proving themselves as brave and honorable scouts, it can take years to achieve such a honor.
And of course, the highest position, Commander, chosen by the council themselves for their knowledge, skills, and deeds. Those cors will dedicate their life to being a scout.