Chapter: Introduction
Only the bravest, and most talented cors are deemed fit for such an honor, Scouts are corceïs designated to one of the most dangerous jobs a cor can face: Explore the Wastelands, and come back alive. Every three months, multiple groups of scouts, usually three to four groups, ranging from three to six scouts depending on their task, are designated for all sorts of challenges, collect materials, data, etc.
As grand as Postinen is, there is only so much it can offer, and resources are mostly limited, upon realizing such, the council gathered and used the few remaining Charging Crystals, one of the most powerful kinds of magical crystals, nowadays often found in teleport stations, and built a giant teleport, powerful enough to send and bring cors from the Wastelands, however, it requires so much energy, that it takes three months for those crystals to fully charge, just enough for two teleports.
Now, how does one become a scout you may ask.
Many academies across Postinen are always on the lookout for new candidates, however, only a few are deemed fit. Academies accept cors as young as adolescents, but only when they are young adults do they have the chance to enroll officially at Scout Academies, they look for the best, physical, mental, and of course magic skills. Many cors, or their families, will send cards to those academies, hoping to be picked.
You may think that upon being picked, that your future as a scout is concrete, but that's far from right.