Chapter 1, Introduction to Magic

One of the main features of corceïs, is the fact they have evolved to be able to control a few kinds of Magic. Of course, though, they have their physical limitations, and trying to go further than that may cause irreversible damage to one, to the point of losing themselves.

The usage of magic has been documented for centuries, long before the raising of Postinen, it was an essential tool in their survival, with how hostile the world around them could be with the amazing beasts they once walked with, no one is really sure how they evolved to possess such ability, as it is already known that one of the first parts to form during gestation is their crystal, that grows as they age, directly connected to their horn tissue.

The crystal tends to grow to cover 50% of the horn from the base. While the horn is made of the same material as the stinger, bone, it can be damaged, in some cases, a small chip, or crack isn't much to worry about, however, if the crystal inside is damaged, the cor is at risk of having their magic abilities limited or, even lose them completely if the crystal is damaged beyond repair.

When one is using magic, their horns will glow, and the color of the glow will be determined by the crystal resting inside the horn. The more energy spent on a task, the brighter the glow can be. Their magic, however, was not developed for offense, such as attacking, defending, etc; they rely solely on brute force and their stingers.

They are not able to control natural elements for example, while other fauna from the wasteland has been documented with the ability to do so.

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