
<a href=" Mane" class="display-item">Floral Mane</a>

Floral Mane

Category: Mane Spells

Resale Value: 20 Bleeding Hearts

Your corseïs mane becomes plants.

• Can also apply to areas with longer coats.
• Can be any plant.

Credits: mansquidboobsquat

Use as Emote
<a href=" Mane" class="display-item">Seaweed Mane</a>

Seaweed Mane

Category: Mane Spells

Resale Value: 15 Sea Shells

Turns your corseïs mane (or any area with a longer coat) into seaweed.

• Can be any kind of seaweed.

Credits: NuclearLolly

Use as Emote
<a href=" Mane" class="display-item">Flaming Mane</a>

Flaming Mane

Category: Mane Spells

Resale Value: 20 Sea Shells

Your corseïs mane (or any area with a longer coat) turns into flames.

• The flames can be any color.

Credits: NuclearLolly

Use as Emote
<a href=" Mane" class="display-item">Floating Mane</a>

Floating Mane

Category: Mane Spells

Resale Value: 25 Crystal Shards

Your corceïs mane starts to float.


Use as Emote
<a href=" Mane" class="display-item">Vine Mane</a>

Vine Mane

Category: Mane Spells

Resale Value: 15 Bleeding Hearts

Your corceïs mane becomes vines.



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<a href=" Mane" class="display-item">Goopy Mane</a>

Goopy Mane

Category: Mane Spells

Resale Value: 20 Darkened Seals

Your cor's mane becomes goopy.



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<a href="'s Hair" class="display-item">Medusa's Hair</a>

Medusa's Hair

Category: Mane Spells

Resale Value: 30 Darkened Seals

Your corceïs mane becomes snakes just like Medusa's hair.


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<a href=" Mane" class="display-item">Webbed Mane</a>

Webbed Mane

Category: Mane Spells

Resale Value: 20 Sea Shells

Your corceïs mane become webbed.


Credits: holyfire

Use as Emote
<a href=" Mane" class="display-item">Tentacle Mane</a>

Tentacle Mane

Category: Mane Spells

Resale Value: 27 Darkened Seals

Your corceïs mane starts to look like it is made of tentacles

• Can be applied to other areas with longer coats.

Use as Emote
<a href=" Mane" class="display-item">Yarn Mane</a>

Yarn Mane

Category: Mane Spells

Resale Value: 20 Pine Cones

Your corceïs mane starts to look like it is made of yarn.


Credits: Snapdragon

Use as Emote
<a href=" Mane" class="display-item">Smoking Mane</a>

Smoking Mane

Category: Mane Spells

Resale Value: 20 Darkened Seals

Your corceïs mane becomes smoke.

• Can be applied to other areas with longer coat.
• Can be any color.

Credits: champloozz

Use as Emote
<a href=" Mane" class="display-item">Crayon Mane</a>

Crayon Mane

Category: Mane Spells

Resale Value: 20 Crystal Shards

Your corceïs mane starts to look like it is made of crayons.


Credits: Frosts-world

Use as Emote
<a href=" Mane" class="display-item">Anemone Mane</a>

Anemone Mane

Category: Mane Spells

Resale Value: 15 Sea Shells

Your corceïs mane starts to look like an anemone.

• Can be applied to areas with longer coats.

Credits: Nuclearlolly

Use as Emote
13 results found.