
<a href="" class="display-item">Surret</a>


Category: Pets

Resale Value: 15 Crystal Shards


A pocket-sized lizard with a really playful personality! Can be found through all Postinen, including in the wild or pet shops.

• They can only be colors seen in real-life snakes.
• Can only have snake patterns.
• Ovivore.

Credits: NuclearLolly

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<a href="ïkel" class="display-item">Gaïkel</a>


Category: Pets

Resale Value: 15 Crystal Shards


A small-sized lizard species! They can be found in the warmer regions of Postinen, both in the wild and in pet shops.

• Can only be natural colors (excluding the line on their body).
• All Gaïkels must have a line on the sides of their bodies.
• Insectivore.

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<a href="" class="display-item">Salafesh</a>


Category: Pets

Resale Value: 18 Crystal Shards


A small, semi-aquatic salamander-like creature! Can only be found in freshwater, both in the wild and in pet shops.

• All Salafesh have colorful spots.
• The rest of their body must be a darker color.
• Piscivore.

Credits: NuclearLolly

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<a href="äti" class="display-item">Cannäti</a>


Category: Pets

Resale Value: 21 Crystal Shards


A cat-like creature that has evolved a second pair of limbs that give them the ability to fly! One of the most common pets in Postinen due to their adorable and quite spoiled nature! They no longer exist in the wild but you may still see them on the streets as strays.

• Their coat can be any natural color or with a soft tint of unnatural color.
• Markings must be the same as found in real cats.
• They can have longer tails, but not longer than their body.
• They can have any sort of coat length.
• Carnivore.

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<a href="ëres" class="display-item">Bloëres</a>


Category: Pets

Resale Value: 25 Crystal Shards


A medium-sized avian creature! Known for their dark skin and light feathers, they can be found in the coldest regions of Postinen, in the wild, or in pet shops.

• Feathers must be a light color.
• Skin must be black (legs, tail, etc).
• Can also be found in The Wastelands.
• Omnivore.

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<a href="" class="display-item">Shrinkies</a>


Category: Pets

Resale Value: 35 Sea Shells


A small, aquatic creature that can be found in salt water, they can only be found in the wild, but often are taken as pets if they are sick, born with deformities, etc.

• All Shrinkies are blue, orange, or green (can be multiple tones of those colors).
• Males have larger tails.
• Molluscivore.

Credits: NuclearLolly

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<a href="" class="display-item">Blofti</a>


Category: Pets

Resale Value: 35 Bleeding Hearts


A small fan-sized creature that is nearly lighter than air! Squishy like a marshmallow, these creatures float on the wind all their lives. If taken in as a pet, they require a lot of maintenance.

• Can only be pastel colors.
• If they stay in the ground for too long, they will die.

Credits: Cookie-Brooke

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<a href="" class="display-item">Lucktallion</a>


Category: Pets

Resale Value: 10 Crystal Shards


A small, semi-aquatic creature! They are extremely rare, and can only be found in very few ponds across Postinen! It is believed that if you see one, you will have a week filled with luck!

• They can be any pastel color.
• The lower half of their body (the fish part) must always be golden, with a glittering effect.
• Herbivore.
• The non-fish part can be completely covered by clovers.
• Only obtainable in the Wheel of Fortune.
• The tail can resemble any sort of marine animal tail
• Clovers can have any shapes found in existing clover species.

Credits: NuclearLolly

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<a href="" class="display-item">Cochlastella</a>


Category: Pets

Resale Value: 15 Crystal Shards


A snail species that can be found both in Postinen and the Wastelands, their shells shaped like stars, usually very timid, they will retreat into their shells when scared and roll into rivers to let the water carry them away. Despite their nature, they can be wonderful pets.

• They are kept inside terrariums.
• They usually have clutches of 3-6 eggs.
• Their body can be any color, however their shells need to be a warm color.

Credits: Inkfisp

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<a href="" class="display-item">Migarsula</a>


Category: Pets

Resale Value: 20 Crystal Shards


A small reptilian-mammalian pet, they tend to be quite social and affectionate, living mainly in terrariums. When feeling threatened, they will puff up their fur, and sometimes even detach their tail as a distraction- Don't worry, it will grow back!

• The furred part must resemble an existing bear species, while the tail must resemble any gecko species.
• They lay clutches of between 2-4 eggs.
• May require ways to keep their terrarium warm in colder regions.

Credits: Splintered_Psych

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<a href="" class="display-item">Blorflonir</a>


Category: Pets

Resale Value: 23 Crystal Shards


A goat-like creature that has been mainly bred to find medicinal roots in the ground and dig it up with its unique tusks. They use them to stir up the soil, their uniquely shaped noses help them pick up the specific scent notes of the item they were bred to find. Because of that they are also often used by the police to find drugs and track down missing corceïs.

• Can only be natural mammalian colors.
• Often used as stock animals as well for their meat and rich milk.
• Usually they are reserved.
• They have between 1-2 kids per litter.

Credits: Seatofu

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<a href="í" class="display-item">Dearainmhí</a>


Category: Pets

Resale Value: 21 Crystal Shards


A small mammalian creature with some insectoid traits, often called Skitterbeasts. They are intelligent and crafty, with opposable thumbs that allow them to pick things up and manipulate them with dexterity. While they were once considered very valuable pets to keep because of their many useful traits, most people view them as pests in the modern day.

• They can produce silk, but due to the way cors view them, most won't use it.
• Their clutches vary from 2-5 eggs.
• They can only be white, gray, brown, and black with mammalian markings.
• Pupils and their glowing tails can be any color, their pupils can also be any shape.
• Has 5 Subtype that can be selected when making a MYO slot.

Credits: Crystalpangolin

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<a href="" class="display-item">Siaks</a>


Category: Pets

Resale Value: 30 Crystal Shards


Similar to wolves or bears on earth, Siaks are very popular pets among corfolk, they have been bred for desirable traits. With wildly different temperaments around Postinen. Their thick, soft fur makes them fun to personalize and groom. They can be very different in size, with some small and round, some tall and lanky.

• Larger siaks are often used to guard or herd livestock.
• They can have any sort of fur color and pattern, however, their head has to be lighter, their body must have a gradient, and their skin must be a natural color.
• Their fur can be groomed into unique shapes.
• They do not have pupils.
• Litters vary from 2-5 pups.
• Has 1 Subtype that can be selected when making a MYO slot.

Credits: Gummysprouts

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<a href="" class="display-item">Pixins</a>


Category: Pets

Resale Value: 25 Crystal Shards


Pixins are a type of avian creature often raised by farmers in Postinen, mainly for their meat, feathers, and eggs! However, many cors will get chicks to raise as pets due to their unique melodic calls, shows are actually quite common to rate their appearance and musical abilities.
There are scattered beliefs that the most beautiful of Pixins can become phoenixes and then serve as messengers between gods. Some cors also believed that if adopted as a chick, they would develop a similar appearance to their owners.

• They can display a range of vibrant colors however most tend to have a base color ( natural earthy, snow or charcoal tones, grays, mottles, reds, and golden) and their accents tend to be vibrant colors likely to be found on a rainbow.
• Small beaks, and wings resemble bugs wings.
• Can have clutches of 2-6 eggs.

Credits: Mylkie

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<a href="" class="display-item">Aichmitas</a>


Category: Pets

Resale Value: 21 Crystal Shards


Similar to Cannätis, Aichmitas are a cat-like species, adapted to warmer temperatures, slightly larger most of the time, they can be often found in the warmer regions of Postinen, near lakes, rivers, and beaches, they are known for having the ability to puff up their bodies, and when it happens, the dots on their skins form spikes.

• They can be any color found on fruits and must have spots.
• They do not have any fur.
• Litters vary from 2-6 kittens.
• Has 1 Subtype that can be selected when making a MYO slot.

Credits: Chester187

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<a href="" class="display-item">Arcanai</a>


Category: Pets

Resale Value: 5 Crystal Shards


A tiny draconic friend! Not many know where they come from, or how they arrived in Postinen, but they are cute!

• They can only be dark colors.
• Must have glowing freckles and stars.
• Cannot be fluffy.
• The Nitifru Fruit cannot be applied to them.

Behavior Friendly
Weight 6kg - 10kg
Lifespan 10 - 50 years
Habitat ???
Diet Omnivore

Credits: batbites

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<a href="" class="display-item">Sqwaguls</a>


Category: Pets

Resale Value: 5 Crystal Shards


A small (and full of energy) pet! No one really knows where they came from or how they got in Postinen, but they look quite adorable!

• They can be any color.
• Must have bird feed.
• They do not have wings.
• Pupils must be star-shaped.
• The Nitifru Fruit cannot be applied to them.

Behavior Friendly
Weight 6kg - 10kg
Lifespan 10 - 50 years
Habitat ???
Diet Omnivore

Credits: supercool

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17 results found.