
Dark, onyx short coat, with only straight tufts of fur coming from the under base of her tail, it is described her ears had to be cropped due to severe damage in her youth, Sienna had dark, magenta eyes, and proudly carried marking of leadership from her tribe, hidden in the deep south of the wastelands, by the freezing mountains, sadly little is known, as scout missions to such area have been proven to be too great of a risk, after an entire scout team went missing there.
She was described as a quiet, short-tempered, closed off, and determined cor, with a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong, it is known that by the time of her crystallization, she had one daughter alive, sadly little was documented about her descendants.
No documents made by her have ever been found.
Her statue can be found near Slirie, on her floating island of the same name, Sienna.