
Cameron, from the data collected of this individual, a cor with a golden coat, a voice as deep as thunder, markings that ran through his body like rivers before breaking into smaller spots, and dark gold eyes, his tail would fit what we call noble tail, with curly tufts of fur all over the length of it, and four spikes placed before his stinger, his horns resembled an incoming storm, fit for a prince.
It is also speculated that he was the son of a tribe leader, up to the north of the unknown continent, where the grass is gold, and one does not know cold under the scorching sun year-round. It seems like he and Callasta shared a unique bond before the plague came along, but little is known about it, as Cameron's Diary was found centuries after the raising up Postinen during a scout mission, and sadly, many pages were missing.
It does mention an unknown library, that seemed to belong to Callasta, far into the southwest, it is unknown if any modern cor ever went there, as scout missions are confidential.
He was described as a proud and egotist cor, but loyal above everything else.
While it is known he had descendants, due to the unknown number of mates he had during his life, there is no solid information on how many offspring he had.
His statue can be found on his floating island of the same name, Cameron.