
Described as a large corceïs, standing proudly 10ft at her shoulder, Rowan had a long, and dense red coat, with stripe markings across her torso and hips, carrying the markings of her tribe on her shoulders, her tail resembling a waterfall with a few braids.
Known for her physical strength and strong personality, Rowan was a respected cor by her tribe as their leader, the tribe could be found at the southernmost of the continent, a tropical paradise mentioned in the previous page. Some unconfirmed mentions in her documents suggest she may have tried to fight Mother Plague by herself while trying to protect her home, while the battle ended with the loss of her tribe, the fact she made it out alive was impressive.
it also suggests by the time of her crystallization, she may have been infected by the plague. However those are only rumors.
Her island can be found near the Eye of Zoïta Fall, of the same name Rowan.