
Wastelands Fauna

A snake-like creature, as large as common livestock in Postinen, those creatures can only be found in the densely forested regions, using their colors, patterns, and branch-like horns to hide between the vegetation, they will wait for the perfect moment to strike, and use their body to strangle and break their prey's bones before consumption.

• Can only be natural reptilian or tree colors, as well as the same patterns.
• Their nest on trees, with eggs skillfully placed between branches.
• Will hunt down corceïs, using their elongated body to strangle them.
• They can extend their limbs and glide between trees.
• When trying to intimidate another predator, smoke may start coming out from the corners of their eyeballs.

Behavior Hostile
Weight 900kg - 950kg
Lifespan 20 - 70 years
Habitat Densely forested regions.
Diet Carnivore
