Postinen Residents
Postinen Corceïs
Can be joined by characters.
Considered the truly evolved ones, Postinen residents are what you would describe as the perfect citizens, polite, civil, successful, etc, of course, those requirements are... Quite unrealistic, as they are as flawed as they can, illegal activities, violence, etc, is not unheard of.
Faction Ranks
Council: The Council is formed by 7 Corceïs, who are elected to look over Postinen.
Mayors: Mayors are elected by the citizens, each is supposed to look after one of each of the regions of Postinen.
Commander: The highest scout rank, tends to be slightly older corceïs. They are chosen by the council not only because of their physical tributes but their knowledge. This rank doesn't even need to be as "in perfect physique" as other scouts, as they are valuable due to their experience and knowledge, plus social skills to lead the team.
Member Ranks
Captain: Second highest scout rank, usually exists as a possible candidate for the commander, trusted cors in case the team is divided, or, the commander isn't present. (15
Cadet: An official member of the scout team. (10
Aspirant: A newly made scout that is still in trials. (5
Citizen: Citizens of Postinen (0
Members: 416 ・ See All
Associated Prompt