Samrathiel's Currency Logs
- 45
Shop Purchase (Purchased Angelic Wings from Modification Spell Shop)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 25
Shop Purchase (Purchased Comet Trail from Modification Spell Shop)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 30
Shop Purchase (Purchased Animated Marking from Modification Spell Shop)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 27
Shop Purchase (Purchased Floating Marking from Modification Spell Shop)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 100
Shop Purchase (Purchased Raffle Ticket (Corceïs) from Raffle Shop)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
+ 40
Rank Rewards (Reward for being part of the ☆ Lorekeeper Admins rank)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 7
Shop Purchase (Purchased Large Claws from Mutation Laboratory)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 8
Shop Purchase (Purchased Long Tongue from Mutation Laboratory)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
- 7
Shop Purchase (Purchased Colored Teeth from Mutation Laboratory)
6 months and 2 weeks ago