Emerald Market

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You can use the following coupons: Spring Coupon, Market 5% Coupon (lifetime)
Emerald Market


"Hello! Ah I am so sorry for the mess, it is a bit tricky keeping everything tidy, anyway- welcome to the Emerald Market! Here you can buy all sorts of things, groceries for yourself and your pets (breeding tokens), tools, seeds- Oh for what you would need those? Well, a lot of cors enjoy Cultivating! you can learn how to unlock a cultivation area Here. Ah and one last thing, our stocks are always changing, some change daily, others weekly, so always keep an eye at what is currently available!"



Albae Berries
Albae Berries
Cost: 60 Crystal Shards
Stock: 4
Max 2 per user
Algae Eel
Algae Eel
Cost: 43 Crystal Shards
Stock: 10
Max 3 per user
Aphrodisiatic Berries
Aphrodisiatic Berries
Cost: 53 Crystal Shards
Stock: 6
Max 1 per user
Aphrodisiatic Fruit
Aphrodisiatic Fruit
Cost: 100 Crystal Shards
Stock: 5
Max 1 per user
Ecarien fruit
Ecarien fruit
Cost: 42 Crystal Shards
Stock: 8
Max 3 per user
Gaïshon Milk
Gaïshon Milk
Cost: 40 Crystal Shards
Stock: 8
Max 2 per user
Cost: 45 Crystal Shards
Stock: 10
Max 3 per user
Cost: 23 Crystal Shards
Stock: 2
Max 2 per user
Rainbow Annoa
Rainbow Annoa
Cost: 50 Crystal Shards
Stock: 2
Max 4 per user
Sparkling Honey
Sparkling Honey
Cost: 40 Crystal Shards
Stock: 2
Max 3 per user
Spotted Sardine
Spotted Sardine
Cost: 35 Crystal Shards
Stock: 10
Max 3 per user
Sunset Carrot
Sunset Carrot
Cost: 28 Crystal Shards
Stock: 9
Max 2 per user
Eel Food
Eel Food
Cost: 10 Crystal Shards
Stock: 0
Cost: 10 Crystal Shards
Stock: 10
Pixin Food
Pixin Food
Cost: 10 Crystal Shards
Stock: 2
Sardine Food
Sardine Food
Cost: 10 Crystal Shards
Stock: 10
Cost: 10 Crystal Shards
Stock: 4
Algae Eel Eggs
Algae Eel Eggs
Cost: 21 Crystal Shards
Stock: 7
Max 3 per user
Pixin Eggs
Pixin Eggs
Cost: 30 Crystal Shards
Stock: 2
Max 3 per user
Spotted Sardine Eggs
Spotted Sardine Eggs
Cost: 17 Crystal Shards
Stock: 7
Max 3 per user
Bee Colony
Bee Colony
Cost: 20 Crystal Shards
Stock: 5
Max 2 per user
Cost: 40 Crystal Shards
Stock: 2
Max 3 per user
Crickafruit Eggs
Crickafruit Eggs
Cost: 20 Crystal Shards
Stock: 5
Max 3 per user
Dry Leaf Larva
Dry Leaf Larva
Cost: 30 Crystal Shards
Stock: 2
Max 3 per user
Larva eggs
Larva eggs
Cost: 15 Crystal Shards
Stock: 5
Max 3 per user
Albae Berry Seeds
Albae Berry Seeds
Cost: 30 Crystal Shards
Stock: 13
Max 2 per user
Aphrodisiatic Berries Seeds
Aphrodisiatic Berries Seeds
Cost: 26 Crystal Shards
Stock: 10
Max 2 per user
Aphrodisiatic Fruit Seeds
Aphrodisiatic Fruit Seeds
Cost: 50 Crystal Shards
Stock: 5
Max 1 per user
Ecarien Fruit Seeds
Ecarien Fruit Seeds
Cost: 21 Crystal Shards
Stock: 18
Max 3 per user
Moonfruit Seeds
Moonfruit Seeds
Cost: 22 Crystal Shards
Stock: 18
Max 3 per user
Pumbalora Seeds
Pumbalora Seeds
Cost: 11 Crystal Shards
Stock: 20
Max 3 per user
Rainbow Annoa Seeds
Rainbow Annoa Seeds
Cost: 25 Crystal Shards
Stock: 18
Max 3 per user
Sunset Carrot Seeds
Sunset Carrot Seeds
Cost: 14 Crystal Shards
Stock: 20
Max 3 per user
Cost: 10 Crystal Shards
Stock: 10
Milking Cups
Milking Cups
Cost: 20 Crystal Shards
Stock: 8
Max 3 per user
Pixin Bedding
Pixin Bedding
Cost: 15 Crystal Shards
Stock: 15
Max 3 per user
Cost: 10 Crystal Shards
Stock: 8
Trowel (Choice Box)
Trowel (Choice Box)
Cost: 10 Crystal Shards
Stock: 0
Aquarium Area
Aquarium Area
Cost: 20 Crystal Shards
Max 1 per user
Insectarium Area
Insectarium Area
Cost: 20 Crystal Shards
Max 1 per user