Modification Spell Shop
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"Welcome to the Modification Spell Shop, I am Clementine, and I'll be helping you around."
"In this shop, you can buy cosmetic spells to change how you look, those spells do not change your true identity of course, and are pure illusions, spells can also be combined to create unique looks."
Cost: 23 

Floating Confetti
Cost: 15 

Floating Crystals
Cost: 25 

Floating Hologram
Cost: 25 

Floating Planets
Cost: 23 

Vending Body
Cost: 33 

Crocodile Tail
Cost: 30 

Animated Marking
Cost: 30 

Color Changing Marking
Cost: 30 

Floating Marking
Cost: 27 

Glowing Marking
Cost: 17 

Comet Trail
Cost: 25 

Crystal Path
Cost: 23