All Prompts

Tarot Cards

Draw/write your corceïs interacting with tarot cards or as one!


A lot of cors enjoy tarot, some just for aesthetics, while some believe that both deities can communicate with the cards, showing the future and its many mysteries, or perhaps your cor would look really nice as a tarot card! 

Remember the check the meaning of the cards before including them in your prompt!


Drawing Requirements:
    • Minimum: one half body colored art of your cor. (Must be posted in the Gallery!)

Written Requirements:
    • Minimum: 250 words. (Must be posted in the Gallery!)


- The cor entering the prompt, be it written or drawn, must be the main focus of the art.

- To receive the reward by adding more official cors into the prompt, keep them still within the requirements.


Reward Amount
Prompt Loot 1
Experience Loot 1


You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per month per character.

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