New Faces + Updates

Posted 7 months and 5 days ago :: Last edited 7 months and 4 days ago by Nuclearlolly


"Sam Ampere here to deliver some exciting news directly from our higher-ups regarding some interesting things coming to Postinen! It seems like we got new faces around!"


New NPCs

I am happy to announce we have two new NPCs, meet: Sasha and Colt


With the addition of both new npcs, a few new functions have been added:

  • 2x New Plushies (If you have already finished the collection you cannot reclaim the reward).
  • 1x New Prompt, The Cherry Casino!
  • 2x new Cutscenes, at the Cherry Casino prompt AND Cultivation Prompt!
  • Upon completing the Cultivation prompt, users will receive access to the following areas: Bee Hive, Greenhouse, Stable and Pixin Coop.


800 Cors celebration!

To celebrate we have reached 800 official cors, starting now every friend you invite, that joins the lorekeeper, you will be rewarded 1x Rare trait + 1 MYO slot per friend invited. All they gotta do is refer to you upon registering! You also get the Sharing Around Award. BUT, this event ends Sunday! After that the referring reward will go back to 1UC.


3000 seastar goal surpassed!

Jesus christ you guys have surpassed another goal! Because of that, participants can claim 1 "free" UC trait at their team's respective shop. Our next goal now is 5000 seastars!

And it seems like seafoam is still on the lead! But stardust is catching up, reminding that the winning team will receive 1 Rare Trait for "free" to each member!


Minor Updates

  • Metallic Eyes has been added to the Modification Shop
  • The Art help channel has been turned into a Forum.



We are working on a few new mechanics... They may take a bit long to get done (our amazing coder, @SUPERCOOL , has been taking a break for his own health, consider supporting him on his ko-fi ❤️ ), buuut... A small sneak peek:

  • New relationship mechanic with NPCs.
  • (Possibly) Boss fights.
  • New mini games.
  • Site improvement.
  • Character items and ranks.
  • New breeding system

Like always, this is all only possible with the help from the community, if you wish to contribute, consider joining our ko-fi! , though sharing around helps just as much :lovely:



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