Cherry Casino

Created: 17 July 2024, 02:54:27 EDT
Last updated: 20 August 2024, 23:28:40 EDT


"Oh look what has arrived in my little playground, welcome, to the Cherry Casino, here you can play all of the little gambling games found in the Hollow Market for a little fee, some are safe to play, others you may lose more than you might've hoped for, fun isn't it? I only don't recommend becoming a future problem to me." 


Mini Games

All those mini-games reward either items or currencies, including seasonal currency.

However, some have a daily limit, or even a fee that is not guaranteed you will receive the value back! So good luck with your daily gambling!



Activities that can be done once a day or week, each with different rewards.


Higher or Lower

Try to guess if the next number will be higher or lower than the current one.



This game is not available yet.



This game is not available yet.
