
Created: 19 August 2023, 21:01:58 EDT
Last updated: 23 February 2024, 16:06:09 EST
Corceïs beliefs



Postinen is considered a secular state, with no main religion, however, many cults and temples can be found around, most focused on worshipping the forces of nature itself rather than a specific deity, religious groups can range from small groups to whole organizations that hold a lot of political power.
Even though there is no main religion, most corceïs believe in two deities: Thärmos and Zoïta.



Thämors rescue the spirits of those who have passed so they can rest among the stars. Zoïta blesses all those who are born with their life essence. Both beings can be described as any living creature, as they are shapeshifters. The only physical description that all of their forms have is that Zoïta is as bright as a star, covered in a thick white veil, while Thämors is as dark as night, with mist surrounding them while twinkling stars rest on his coat. ​

​It is believed that Thämors and Zoïta are lovers; Thämors wanders on the land, finding any creature who is lost and guiding them back to Zoïta as a gift.