Affiliations between species are when both communities give certain rewards for members who join them from an affiliated species! You can learn more about the rewards and how to receive them by checking our affiliation prompt!
In corceïs, we mainly look to affiliate with other species with similar mindsets, prioritizing community safety and enjoyment above all!
Which species are we affiliated with?
Currently, we are affiliated with:
How do I become an affiliated?
You can apply for affiliation at the bottom of our main page! Though we have a series of requirements you may follow:
- Have a place dedicated to information about your species (Deviantart, Toyhouse, Weebly, Lorekeeper, etc).
- 50+ Members.
- Been active for at least 5 months.
- Similar guidelines/rules.
- Have a Discord Server (which the creator of corceïs or a staff member may join).
- Be active in corceïs for at least 2 months.
Affiliation requests may take between days to weeks to be analyzed.
Exclusive Pets:
SqwagulsMerlot Pet. |