Cultivation is one of the ways members can obtain Breeding Tokens (which can be found in the Emerald Market! In the description of each item, you can find for what and how they can be used).
Each breeding token has a limit to how many you can buy per month, by Cultivating, you can avoid this limit by growing your own resources, plus, save up significantly more, the only downside is that most take around 1 week to be able to be harvested (if you tend to your cultivation every day!), and you can only tend to 5 plots daily.
● Step 1: First, you may choose an area! Which areas have different requirements and uses, you can unlock an area by buying them in the Emerald Market, after that you may click on the item to use it.
● Step 2: After obtaining access to an area, you will need to Prepare a plot! Each plot has different requirements depending on what you want to grow, you will need to check the descriptions at the Emerald Market to see which ones you may need.
● Step 3: Second you may Cultivate an item! Be it by using a tool, eggs, seeds, etc.
● Step 4: And last, you may tend to the plot every day! Each stage lasts different days.