Mariset Bay Prompt - Mikio

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Mikio wasn’t necessarily a giant, but he was certainly big for a cor. He was stocky, but one touch would show you it was all solid muscle. He always seemed to command a sort of imposing elegance. This was helped by the illusion spells he preferred—a pearlescent horn, brightly colored orange and black scales, and the flowing tail of a koi fish.

This made him quite good at his job. A bouncer for a club in Mariset Bay, he spent long, long nights checking identities, shooing away the already intoxicated, and calming down rowdy patrons. While it wasn’t necessarily a glorious job, he enjoyed the work. Some see working security as a power trip, but he genuinely enjoyed keeping people safe and maintaining order in the chaos.

It was good that he was passionate about his work, given his place of employment. The club he worked for specialized in a particular form of entertainment—drag performance. Of course, that kind of entertainment could invite the unscrupulous sort. There were plenty of weirdos who had all kinds of funny ideas about what drag was, or could be, and it was his job to keep those folks in line.

He had a bit of a personal stake in the game, too. Mikio had a particular acquaintance who was a frequent performer, stage name “Freya Fowl”—themed after her proud nature and peacock-like appearance. They’d known each other for years, having grown up in the slums of Zhido together. It’s where he’d gained his ability to command a presence, bringing peace and order to any chaotic situation.

But that's another story, for another time. Tonight, like he always had, he would wait for his friend to conclude her business, and walk her safely home.

Mariset Bay Prompt - Mikio
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In Summer Prompts ・ By stokori
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Submitted By stokori for Mariset Bay
Submitted: 5 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 5 months and 3 weeks ago

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[Mariset Bay Prompt - Mikio by stokori (Literature)](


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