Old Books
Trash wasn't particularly thrilled to be back in the capital, having already been there far too many times within the past couple months in their humble opinion, but when one is researching ancient history, the Callasta library is where one goes for that, or so they've heard.
Trash didn't even bother trying to act like they weren't disgusted by the pompous architecture surrounding them, posture slumped and ragged hood hanging over their face to shield themselves from the sun, which had decided to be particularly bright and hot that day.
Making it to the middle of the capital, they very purposefully did not look towards the 'statue.' It always just gave them the creeps. Sure, important figure and a monumental event, and they can appreciate the macabre more than more others, but having the corpse of the guy the place is named after just sitting there like the death was something to be celebrated had them grindong their teeth together even as they reminded themselves that it wasnt the intent for it to come off that way, and their opinions being said out loud would just cause unnecessary fights.
Trash shoved their way through the heavy wooden doors of the library, appreciating that the loud slam they'd been anticipating hadn't come, the library having been designed to muffle noise, including their footsteps as they walked up to what was presumably the reception, though there was no one behind the desk.
Trash hesitated to ring the bell available, knowing that purposeful muffling in the library or not, that was definitely going to be loud. A short amount of hesitant wandering revealed no other corceis around, and Trash sure as hell didn't know where to even start looking with just how large the place was, so they braced themselves for the noise and, as lightly as they could and looking like they were about to poke a venomous beast, tapped the bell.
The sound was as bad as they expected, and was clearly annoying to someone else as well, making Trash jump a little in surprise, a blue-eyed cor eventually emerging from behind a thick curtain, looking disgruntled.
With the rather unenthusiastic welcome right after a loud noise, Trash decided speaking was too much effort at the moment and instead wrote out what they needed on a notepad, sliding the paper across the desk for the other to read.
"Books written by Callasta?" The older cor grunted, "Yeah, sure, I'll guide you to that section"
Conway didn't wait for a response, stepping out from behind his desk to walk between the shelves of books, Trash calmly packing away their notebook to follow the dark-furred man. No conversation was made until they eventually got to a far corner of the library, multiple lecterns pushed up against the wall holding well-preserved yet clearly aged texts.
Conway grunted again to get Trash's attention. "Be careful with 'em, off y' don't wanna spend th' rest of year life 'n debt."
With that encouraging statement, he left, leaving Trash alone to read through the old books and hopefully find what they're looking for, thought the chances of that were slim, and they knew it. Hopefully Callasta hadn't been too bad of a writer.
What's Trash lookin for? Nothing nefarious, it's not something to worry about. I feel that they and Conway could actually get along... eventually.
Submitted By Rattie
for Callasta Library
Submitted: 6 months and 2 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 6 months and 2 weeks ago