Docked Boats

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Trash squinted as the sun shone directly into their eyes. Rosea definitely wasn’t their favourite province, actually not making it into the top five. It was just too… sunny, sandy, crowded. It had too many things to be looking at or listening to or touching at any given time, so Trash tried to spend as little time as possible there, but unfortunately he’d needed to contact someone who absolutely refused to leave the damn vacation spot, so there he was, after an annoying meeting with an even more annoying cor, walking across a sandy beach mentally cursing the kinds of corceis he had the displeasure of working with sometimes, who knew they could could away with being as annoying as they wanted because Trash couldn’t just walk away.

It was almost a welcome distraction when the extremely noticeable cor walked by, flaunting a spell that she had supposedly just gotten, which struck Trash as odd as it was clearly out of season. Curiosity peaked, Trash easily followed the prints the cor had left in the sand, arriving at one of the many docks in the area, this one looking far more abandoned than those in areas with more foot traffic, even with the music coming from one of the boats floating in the water.

And what a boat it was, trinkets hanging from it and its sole passenger being… a whiskered cor wearing pirate garb. Trash could appreciate a fashionable hat and jacket, and this guy clearly knew what theme he wanted to go for, they’d give him that much. The eccentric cor leapt out of the boat, heading to where Trash had stopped to stare to introduce himself, Trash wincing at the volume the cor was speaking at as he went on a short spiel about his shop and the stock he held.

Trash couldn’t say they were actually looking for anything, having only come out of curiosity as they were already perfectly happy with their appearance, but before they could say anything, the older cor shoved him, drawing back in mild shock and offence when that prompted Trash to hiss and snap at him, growling and watching to make sure the shopkeep wouldn’t touch them again before curling around to scratch at the area that had been touched with their teeth.

Once the itch of unwanted touch had gotten down to a manageable level, Trash hissed at the now more subdued Caspian again for good measure before stepping off the boat, flicking their tail in irritation as they left the dock.

Stupid Rosea and its stupid loud strangers who seemed incapable of keeping their paws off of others. Trash had actually wanted to look through the boat to at least just see what it looked like seeing as it had been decorated by a cor who apparently wore a pirate costume on the daily, but the unexpected touch with an already less than average day completely threw off his mood. Maybe Sasha would be able to cheer them up, the corceis of the Hollow Market typically kept to themselves well enough.

Docked Boats
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In Prompt Literature ・ By Rattie

Unfortunately I don't think Trash would get along with Caspian at all, they're very much a "don't touch me ever" type of cor and shoving them will instantly get on their bad side. Maybe Caspian can redeem himself later XP

Submitted By Rattie for Questionable Origins
Submitted: 1 month and 1 week agoLast Updated: 1 month and 1 week ago

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