Gacha Rolling

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Once again in the Capital of Callasta, Trash made his way through the packed streets, multiple other corceis passing by him. A couple more snooty corfolk sneered and moved a little further away form him as they passed, seemingly able to sense just how out of place he was compared to the surroundings of carved marble and glittering gold.

Not that he particularly cared what their opinions were. “Eat the rich” was a common phrase within Zhido, and while Trash wasn’t from there, or even live there, he spent a lot of time drifting around the edges of Klathe, which led to him often feeding those from the poorer area who gathered at the border, and by extension have actually led to him visiting the Hollow Market, having earned himself the good graces of the locals by minding his own business and being a good customer when buying from their various vendors. So he somewhat agreed with that sentiment, holding a large dislike towards the council himself.

But he’d heard of a new shop having popped up that sold various trinkets for cheap, and he was absolutely a sucker for those, his pile of plushies always growing even if he spent a lot of time away from his little clearing between the trees. Like now, having walked into the store he’d heard of to see an entire wall of gacha machines, holding all sorts of various trinkets for cheap prices. The rest of the store held many trophies and medals, clearly put out for display purposes, rather than as something to buy.

An elderly cor caught his attention, welcoming him to the shop. The green clover-patterned clothing she wore along with the similar walls told him that she clearly had a certain colour and theme she enjoyed. He stayed quiet as she explained the trophies to him. He’d never kept up much with most sports, but he did recognise the name… it was nice that she had found something to do in her retirement. It would certainly leave a good inheritance for any descendants she might have.

Trash considered explaining to Fortuna how the predatory practices of luck-based entertainment and purchases worked when she expressed not understanding why so many corceis enjoy her store, but he didn’t feel he could do so adequately, so just nodded agreeably and accepted the small tour she gave, showing off the various prizes available in the machines and explaining that some are switched out seasonally. The different plushie gachas caught Trash’s attention the most, though he knew the various crystals and other silly knicknacks being offered will be making their way to his horde as well. He forced his lips to curve up into a smile and nodded and hummed when appropriate as Fortuna spoke. It wasn’t that he was unhappy to listen to bespectacled cor, he was just having trouble truly focusing on her words when he was antsy to begin actually making use of her store, not fully processing her words as his mind had already slipped away to thinking of which plushes he’d be most happy to receive from the machines lining the shop.

She eventually let him go, not commenting on his silence as he nodded politely when she went to greet a new customer, waiting only a moment before heading directly towards the machine that exchanged crystal shards for tokens that can be put in the machines, grabbing the paper cup now full of small circular tokens to put some into the machine containing Cannäti pillows, it being one of the larger appliances as while pillows are soft enough to be squished into the round capsules, the laws of the universe demand the conservation of mass. He collected the five collectibles that dropped out, also grabbing a couple from the other machines to open at one of the tables tucked into the corner.

A satisfying session of child-friendly gambling later, Trash headed back to Klathe with several new plushies and shiny rocks to add to his hoard.

Gacha Rolling
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In Prompt Literature ・ By Rattie
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Submitted By Rattie for Trinket Hunting
Submitted: 1 month and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 1 month and 2 weeks ago

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