Symond stumbles upon Callasta Laboratory
On one of his off days from the shop, and having finished his Cultivation Classes, Symond decides to go explore Callasta, and finds himself in front Callasta Laboratory, having just heard an explosion from that direction. He sees several cors rushing out of the laboratory, but his attention was caught by a specific cor. He stares at the Cor that is dark with large fangs and cropped ears wearing a white coat and glasses. The cor looks at Symond and his ears perk up as he quickly makes way to Symond.
"Hello! You must be one of the visitors to the Shop! The Name's Gio, I run and manage Callasta Laboratory here. We create and make a lot of Fancy Items that I know you will love to see."
"Oh, Hello. I am Symond, I run a shop in Crorport, Its a Baking and Chocolate shop where we make everything by hand. I was actually only walking through the area when the Laboratory caught my eyes. I would be honored to visit the shop and explore and learn more about the Genetic Mysteries behind our kind" - Symond says, a wry smile on his muzzle.
"Well come on in, come on in. Do not worry about the mess. It was just a small mishap involving some chemicals" Gio says, with a Glare in the direction of some of the cors that had rushed out of the building with him. "Just do not touch anything unless I say you can, we would not want anything bad to happen" Gio says with a chuckle as she pushes Symond into the Lab.
"Go ahead, take a gander around, explore anything and everything. I will be with you and I will answer any and all questions you may have regarding all the stuff we have. Though I may not be able to answer all your questions due to Security and current unknowns as we are still studying some things" Gio says, a serious look on his face.
Nodding at Gio, you start walking around, looking at all the vials with items and goo inside of them. "Hey, Gio. What does this Vial have in it?" Symond asks, his voice laced with Curiousity. "Oh that? That has the Ancient Fang gene inside of it. Its a gene that used to be quite common until it was bred out of the cor lines. Due to me and my team though, we have managed to bring it back, and cors are allowed to buy it and use it to grow their own Ancient Fangs. Like me. I was one of the first testers for the completed Mutation. As you can see, it does work." Gio says, excitement lacing their voice.
"Oh that is so cool. I may have to eventually get one myself, maybe in the future. Or maybe I will come and learn from you and your team on how to study genetic mysteries and combine chemicals and all that. Its all so interesting to me, and makes me want to at least study to be a scientist, even if I do not become one." Symond says, a happy smile on his muzzle as he tells Gio his thoughts.
"Well that is great to hear Symond. We would love to have a new face here in the Lab. We do not get many cors who are interested in learning how to be a Scientist, but we would love to have you and teach you. Even if you do not actually become a scientist in the end." Gio says, a wide grin on their Muzzle.
"Thank you for letting me explore and do some learning today. I do need to get going though if I want to get to my shop on time to check on my Employees and the Inventory" Symond says.
"Well that is of no issue, Thank you for stopping by, and I do hope I will see you more often" Gio says with a soft smile as they lead Symond to the front door. "See you later Gio, I will definitely be seeing you more as I am genuinely interested in learning more" Symond replies, walking out the door and waving at Gio as he heads up the street towards Crorport.
Submitted By Cosmic_Storm
for Laboratory Visit
Submitted: 9 months and 1 week ago ・
Last Updated: 9 months and 1 week ago