Maji, Leader of the Keepers!
Maji - Leader and “creator” of the Keepers - She/Her
A rather slim she-cat with a muscular build - Though she shares the same responsibilities as all the other hunters, she works twice as hard and is always out helping with hunts, cleaning up the camp, or kit-sitting for their queens
Her pelt is very well taken care of and groomed neatly even with her large amount of daily labor, and is colored a mix of brownish,reddish, and lightly brown , her pelt is considered quite uncommon but that only helps her stand out from her clan mates as the leader.
One rather odd fact is her horn - nobody knows exactly where that horn came from, and the kits often call her a beast because of it - “I’ll let you in on a secret, traveler. It's really just a clip a young twoleg put on me while I and the original group of keepers were looking for our place to call home. I can’t get it out, and I’m sure it’s practically grown into my fur.”
“ Hello traveler, what brings you here to our home? Are you here to learn or here to burn what knowledge we have gained from centuries away from the clans.. Either way, welcome. My name Is Maji, I am what you clan-dwellers call the leader here. “
“What is this place?” A member of your group asked.
“ Great question, traveler! This is the land of the keepers. Cats here have decided to keep to their own ways and live away from the rule-obsessed clans. We live as a group and hunt, sleep, help our young and keep our camp tidy, but we have decided to keep our cats first and beliefs second. “
“Who are you? How do you hunt? What do you eat?” A riot of questions arise from your group.
“ Yes yes, I’ll answer all of your questions once you all get settled in. “
You and your group of cats enter the camp with an overwhelming amount of excitement. I mean, who wouldn’t be excited to see a group of cats who value each other first rather than their beliefs? As you enter, the smell of unfamiliar cats and honey fills your noses. There were roughly 20 cats, a surprisingly small amount for how well developed the camp looked, each all plump, well sized, and sharing a variety of pelt colors and strengths. The camp was covered in flowers and nicely woven den entrances and decorations. A member of your group mentions, “ It’s all stuck together with honey, that’s where the smell is coming from. “ .
The members of the camp all seemed uninterested in your group, all preoccupied with their own activities. Maji lets out a long meow to get your group's attention, a smile on her face.
“ I’m glad you all seem impressed by our camp, trust me, I still feel the glimmer of excitement and appreciation when I step just a paw in here. Now, to answer your questions, friends. As I said, my name is Maji, leader of the keepers! I’ve already explained our group, so let’s move on to the food you’ll be having today. We eat anything that comes our way, though that usually is mice, rabbits, birds. We have learned how to clean our food and evenly eat our meals to make sure we are healthy. We hunt just like you, if not better. We have managed to learn how to lay out our hunting patrols and good hunting practices depending on the animal. We have pets, like lizards and mice too small to eat, though not many. We hope you’ll let us serve you some freshkill so you can get the taste of a true feast. “
Maji, my first cor, as the weekly mission; "Draw your cor as a cat."
I took a different twist, and drew / wrote them as warrior cat character.
Thank you so much for reading/looking!
Submitted By GetFiredd
for Weekly Prompt
Submitted: 8 months and 4 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 8 months and 4 weeks ago