Symond visits the Modification Shop
Symond travels out of Crorport, heading into the main city of Callasta. He mumbles to himself as he walks down the streets, eyeing all the buildings, searching for the one he looks for. He has recently ran out of a few items for his own shop in Crorport, his candy shop needed more sugar, flour and the likes for all his goods, though he specializes in Chocolate. As he looks around for the Wholesaler, he spots a shop in the distance, a large, colorful shop. His curiousity piqued, he wanders over towards it, before slowly walking inside, he wanders up an isle, staring at the mannequins as they show off a variety of cosmetic spells. He stops and watches one, contemplating getting it before he hears a noise behind him. He jumps, turning around to see a Tall Cor wearing a Leather Jacket and sporting several piercings.
"Welcome to the Modification Spell Shop, Im the Owner, Clementine"
Looking on confused, his brain stutters a moment before he realizes that she introduced herself to him. "Oh my apologies, I'm Symond" He says, a serious a look on his face as he apologizes for the delay in introducing himself.
"So what brings you to my shop?" Clementine asks Symond
"I was actually wandering around Callasta looking for the Wholesaler when your shop caught my eye and caused my curiosity to be piqued" Symond replies Honestly, "The shop front is too pretty and I just couldnt resist coming inside to browse the items available"
-Clementine laughs- "Well that is certainly something I haven't heard before, at least, not worded like that anyways. Have you found something you would like to buy?" Clementine asks Symond, her eyes gleaming with humor
"Well yes, actually, I have. You see this Mannequin behind me? With the Halo? That is what I'd love to get for myself." Symond replies back earnestly
After a bit more of talking over spells whilst he checks out, Symond leaves Clementines Shop with a "Goodbye!" Taking his Floating Halo spell with him as he walks out the door and back into the city streets to continue searching for the Wholesaler.
Submitted By Cosmic_Storm
for Welcome to Callasta! (Quest 1)
Submitted: 9 months and 2 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 9 months and 2 weeks ago