Owned by Nuclearlolly
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The sole reason why corceïs will never be able to call the wastelands their home once again.

Little is known about her, the little data that scouts managed to gather from her suggest she may have been once a cor like any other, who eventually suffered from Crystallization. But something went very, very wrong... And somehow, the black plague started; she is the oldest creature with a record of being infected, the reason why she received the "Mother Plague" name; still, no matter how many centuries pass...

She never seems to succumb to hunger like the others... But that does not stop her; barely any cors have ever escaped from her alive, and those who did carry wounds that not even the most advanced medicine could treat.

The council wishes to study more about her, perhaps by knowing her origin, they would be able to find a definitive cure for the plague, but such has proven time and time again to be a fruitless, suicidal mission.

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