COR-707: Rosalia's Links

Relationship Status: Family
"Like, yeah! I love Rosetta, she's the opposite of me, I'm a perfectionist and she's a go with the flow, but I wouldn't change my Twin for anyone else in the world." Rosalia loves and cherishes her Twin Rosetta
"-Well duh! She's my sister of course I love her, though sometimes she's a bit of a perfectionist which like totally bums out my ideas. But we make it work!" Rosetta cherishes Rosalia

Relationship Status: Family
Rosalia loves her younger Brother, he may not speak, but she knows exactly what he is saying through squeaks and chirps he makes to communicate.
He adores Rosalia, he has specific chirps and squeaks for her. He also likes napping on her back since Rosetta moved a bit too chaotically for him to stay on.

Relationship Status: Friends
Rosalia met Symond at a Shop Owners exchange, and they got on just chipper. He loved her and her siblings designs and she fell in love with his desserts. They meet up often for convoy and his treats.
Symond met Rosalia at a Shop Owners exchange, he realized that he loves the Twins designs and meets up with them often, with him normally bringing treats for the 3 of them.