Owned by SnooflePoofle
  • • Gender fluid, Any/All, Polyamorous Pansexual
  • • Is married and loves his wife dearly, cares not for others at all
  • • Obsessed with animals both wild and domestic, has several pets

The product of a one night stand between his rich mother and his father who is a walker of the night, he was raised purely by his mother. He hardly knew his father until he joined a cult that his mother formed. Growing up he was given anything and everything he asked for, he is spoiled completely spoiled. Within the cult he was one of the first four, taking on the role of connections and assassinations, you want information? He probably has exactly what you need for a price. Cash, Jewels, Valuables of all kinds he will take as payment. He'll even accept other Cors as a payment source if one is desperate enough.

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed
  • Open for links