Owned by Starfruit7

Korin : Male - He/Him - 32 - 6'4" (toe to shoulder)


One of many big shot rich Cors residing in Crorport, Korin has... some issues, to put mildly. Mainly of the inferiority complex and poor self-esteem variety that cause him to be aggressive to anyone he views as more successful or pretty than him, which is, unfortunately, most other Corceïs. This mostly comes from the poor company he had as a child, always getting told how lackluster his markings were, how pitiable he was without his ear, how non-exceptional he was at magic, on and on and on...

Owns a very large clothing company, having inherited it from his parents, as well as having shares within a decent number of other businesses. Despite his general hatred towards other living beings, he's actually very invested in the wellbeing of society, taking part in programs to give poorer areas of Postinen access to facilities such as libraries, theaters and recreational centers, as he believes the ability to gain knowledge and partake in creative endeavours is crucial to a Cor's development and would ensure there be less idiots running important business.

Takes care of a pond of lucktallions as a hobby, along with reading and keeping a journal. Although said journal is mostly complaints about everyone more than an actual record of his everyday.

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