COR-318: voided's Links

Relationship Status: Friends
"Carmel is quite the energetic cor... but it is fitting for someone his age. He is going to need all of the energy he can get if he wants to be a scout. Definitely has a good heart too... I just hope he can handle the job when the time comes."
"Johnny is a unique cor for sure, but not in a negative way for sure, possibly if it wasn't for him, my dream would be near impossible."

Relationship Status: Acquaintance
“He is a bit grumpy, but now a bit further down the road I can understand why… Oleander has given me many pointers about being a scout. Some of them even saved my life a couple of times. I just hope I can keep his grandson from nearly dying as well.
"I met Johnny a bit after I retired, I watched as he enrolled into becoming a court, and eventually managed to... I am glad though that he is helping my kid out, much to my distaste in a way *sigh*."

Relationship Status: Friends
“He’s chill with me. Good singer.”
"..Actually a kinda chill guy to be around."

Relationship Status: ???
“I’ve adopted her, she just doesn’t know it yet.”

Relationship Status: ???