Owned by SnooflePoofle
Image #3892

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[COR-1022: Bacchus🍇](https://www.corceis.com/character/COR-1022)

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[![Thumbnail of COR-1022: Bacchus🍇](https://www.corceis.com/images/characters/3/3892_i1xZP41Xcq_th.png)](https://www.corceis.com/character/COR-1022)
11 July 2024, 15:03:32 EDT

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Sale Value

A MYO slot created from a pairing of: COR-724: Pairing Slot and COR-768: Hibiscus.

Tassel Ears, Curly Horn, and Sectoral Eyes were added via Trait Items.

COR-1022: Bacchus🍇's Lineage
Parent's Parent
Thumbnail for COR-618: Lunar.
COR-618: Lunar
Parent's Parent
Thumbnail for COR-524: Mysta.
COR-524: Mysta
Parent's Parent
Thumbnail for COR-654: Ace.
COR-654: Ace
Parent's Parent
Thumbnail for COR-715: Ashe.
COR-715: Ashe