COR-046: Zane's Relationships

Relationship Status: Acquaintance
Zane and Rex ran in the same circles, but never got much closer to each other than exchanging names. The two of them kept a respectful professional distance -- Zane, for his part, kept his business out of other peoples' as a rule. He's sure Rex is still out there; maybe *Rex* is running the streets, these days.

Relationship Status: It's Complicated
Zane is loyal to Caeles to the exclusion of everything else. He owes her a life-debt that he intends to repay at any cost to himself, even that means he will be following her like a shadow for the rest of his life. It isn't necessarily romantic devotion, but it is something beyond what other people would call normal.
Caeles first released Zane from prison because she needed the expertise of a criminal to deal with a problem of her own. She didn't expect him to stay long past his obligation. She has grown used to his presence nearby, and very obviously judges anybody who tries to imply it's strange. It *is* strange, obviously, but that is Caeles's business and nobody else's.

Relationship Status: Acquaintance
Altalune is one of the only criminal contact Zane has who knows where he is now, but he has at least had the courtesy to keep his mouth shut. Zane does his best not to catch Altalune's eye when he's visiting Glouis for whatever it is he comes to Glouis so often for.

Relationship Status: Past Relationship
Zane considers his past relationship with Griffith to have been a short-lived fling, but if he and Griffith happened to meet up again he wouldn't be upset about it.
Griffith remembers Zane fondly. The two of them made quite the pair, even if their relationship didn't last particularly long, and though Griffith hasn't gone near Zhido in years, he never once thought badly of Zane. They parted amicably.

Relationship Status: Rival
Zane mostly feels disdain for Vanadi; they spent a lot of time getting in his way before Zane went to prison and Vanadi was banished to the Wastes. Zane is relieved, and not at all guilty about it, to know he won't be running into them again in his new life.

Relationship Status: Family
Zane isn't a father to Isambard, but he isn't entirely absent from her life, either; at the very least, he keeps his own tabs. He doesn't see her or her sibling as his own responsibility, and he keeps an intentional distance between himself and them.

Relationship Status: Rival
Mhina, the person who betrayed Zane and got him thrown in Teledo Prison, is the last person Zane wanted to know that he got out, but in the end it went shockingly well. Zane is certain that Mhina still thinks he's crazy, but the two of them have never had a more normal relationship in their lives than they do right now. Maybe being in Caeles's company forces a veneer of civility into their interactions, but Zane almost feels like Mhina isn't his enemy anymore...

Relationship Status: Past Relationship
Zane and Zephyr only had a short relationship, but Zane didn't entirely cut Zephyr off until he went to prison. Up to that point, he was at least *aware* of what Zephyr and their kids were up to. In the present, Zane has had his own contacts check in on Zephyr, but he isn't sure it's wise to make contact again. He is a new person living a new life; maybe it's better that the ghost of a criminal who couldn't handle a family doesn't come back.

Relationship Status: Family
Zane keeps tabs on his children, but he hasn't contacted them directly in a very long time. He knows next to nothing about Grove, and unless Grove were to reach out... that's how it will stay.

Relationship Status: Acquaintance
Reeve is the child of one of Zane's most contentious rivals, and he started keeping an eye on the kid out of a sense of wariness. He is consistently impressed by how crafty Reeve is, and even happier that he's out of the game and won't have to deal with this kid when he's older.