Owned by crystalpangolin



Caeles is a highly respected figure in Glouis. One of the priestesses for one of the larger temples, she is responsible for caring for the temples, their art, the candles they're decorated with, the people who visit, and the complex inter-temple politicking that has made itself into an unceasing part of daily life for those who work there. Caeles is good at all of it: she has a knack and a passion for such things. She has earned the respect she is given.

Caeles is not an outwardly emotional person. She typically has the same expression on her face at all times: one of blank serenity. She appears, from the outside, to never feel anything at all. This has earned her a reputation for being cold and judgemental, which -- while not entirely true -- is not entirely false. She is simply difficult to read if one doesn't spend time working out which microexpressions mean anything at all.

Caeles is accompanied wherever she goes by her shadow, Zane.


  • Candles
  • The temple she stewards
  • Quiet


  • Chaos & disorder
  • Lazy people
  • Disruption of her routine


  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing
  • Open for links